Most of the video players out today, all have the same old old mediocre and very limited video options, not too many really stand out.Ī few video players that come close, but both have too many bugs or issues, wasted too much time already on them both: Most all of the many many video players, I have checked out, even the overpriced paid ones, cannot even crossfade, or have good Video/audio enhancements and features. So all mp4 videos in video playlists, can transition to next video automatically smoothly. I have also been looking for a few years for a video player with crossfade option, and can play video playlists, and video fade out options? A video player that can do this simple features, would be great,Įven if not internal or built in option, or can possible use external effects or plugins to crossfade video & audio. Were you ever able to find any Video players to do these somewhat basic video and crossfade functions?